Rotterdam is one of the top smart cities of the world

EasyPark conducted The Cities of the Future Index

The Cities of the World Index, commissioned by EasyPark, a parking solutions tech company, shows which cities are the most intelligent and future-proof. Rotterdam is 6th on the list of Metropolitan areas with populations over 3 million people.

Which cities improve sustainability and liveability

Riva mainly rents out to expats and international students. These adventurous people are used to innovations and new techniques. Well, according to EasyPark, a technology-driven parking service, Rotterdam is one of the world's smarter cities. For several years already EasyPark is studying smart cities and their development. They analysed thousands of cities across the world, including the 3,200 that EasyPark Group currently operates in. Rotterdam is 6th on the list of Metropolitan areas with populations over 3 million people.

To conduct the study, the focus was on four areas that indicate how intelligent and sustainable a city is. The first evaluates the Digital Life of a city’s inhabitants, looking at the prevalence of world class technology educational facilities and healthcare innovation systems, and the amount of technology that has been adopted by a city on an individual and governmental level.

Secondly, the Mobility Innovation of each city was assessed by taking into account the quality of parking innovation, traffic management and how green the transportation is.

Following this, the Business Tech Infrastructure of each city was studied. Factors included within this category include business innovation, the prevalence of ePayments and the overall internet connectivity.

Finally, each city’s environmental footprint was considered by collecting data on its climate response and overall waste management, how many green buildings there are and how widespread the use of green energy is.

The index reveals the most intelligent cities in the world, or as we call them - Cities of the Future, ranked by score. 

Rotterdam is placed 6th

At the top of the list of metropolitan areas, with more than 3 million inhabitants, is London. The infrastructure of New York and San Francisco is the most advanced technologically; they are number two and three respectively. The Rotterdam metropolitan region (including The Hague) is sixth. The region scores particularly high on Government adoption (higher than London). The researchers believe that the Dutch government applies new technologies and ensures a high level of digitization in the country. There are also high scores on online banking (the maximum score on ePayments) and on general response and planning for climate change.

Riva off course also uses new technologies to support our tenants. We have our own portal MyRiva. Everyone who is affiliated with us (homeowner or tenant) can easily check and arrange all kinds of rental matters online. When a tenant checks in to a new apartment we suggest EasyNuts to set up the Dutch Utilities! 


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