Thank you once again Riva Rentals for the housing of all our 150 employees in Maasvlakte Rotterdam and for the cooperation trough the last years. We hope that we would be able to cooperate again in a near future!
Diana, Ferngal GmbH
Finding a home in a completely new city like Rotterdam is one of the most difficult tasks for an expat.
I was really lucky to have Riva Rentals helping me find an apartment twice already: first a small apartment for myself and second one when my family joined.
Her thoughtful approach, understanding of my needs as an expat, excellent service where she made me feel like I am the most important client were not only highly appreciated but made me feel confident that I have a partner for all my house related issues as long as I stay in the NL!
Lidija Tisljar, Nielsen
"Riva hebben wij leren kennen als zeer bekwame en betrouwbare verhuurmakelaar en partner voor verschillende grote en kleinere projecten in Rotterdam en omgeving. De servicebereidheid en de kwaliteit van de dienstverlening is van hoogstaand niveau. Wij zullen daarom ook in toekomst met veel plezier met Riva samenwerken."
Sukhdev Zomer, Saipem ERS
Riva Rentals helped us a lot with ad hoc housing needs for short and longterm contracts in Rotterdam and Maasvlakte area!
Dhr. D.G., CAST